Mar 17, 2020

Malaysia berhadapan dengan Covid-19

Sampai dengan hari ini, 17 Maret 2020, jumlah kasus Covid-19 secara total di Malaysia 673 orang, bertambah 120 orang dari hari kemarin (Sumber data : CPRC Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia). Ini artinya sudah 3 hari berturut-turut pertambahan kasus per hari mencapai 100 orang lebih, subhanallah. Dan mayoritas kasus baru ini berkaitan dengan kegiatan Tabligh di Mesjid Jamek Seri Petaling. Jadi saya masih heran ada di negeri sendiri yang menyebarkan statement dan himbauan untuk tetap mengadakan kegiatan dan hadir di majelis. Astaghfirullahaladzim..kenapa begitu egois ya?

Di Penang sendiri kasus Covid-19 ada 23 kasus, naik 6 kasus dibanding hari kemarin. Benar-benar cepat penularannya. Dan karena pertumbuhan kasus baru yang begitu drastis di Malaysia, akhirnya kemarin malam PM mengumumkann ketentuan Ketentuan kerajaan tentang yang Besok akan dimulai partial lock down. Berlaku dari 18 Maret hingga 31 Maret 2020 di seluruh negeri.

Apa itu partial lock down? 


1. All companies and government to CLOSE unless you are part of the essential service.

2. Effective 18th March u still can go out from your house, this is NOT a full lockdown. U can go out to work at all the Essential Service or if you don't work there, you can go and use the service.

3. Restaurants are NOT to serve customers but can open for DELIVERY SERVICES. 
But if your restaurant DO NOT have delivery services, You are NOT ALLOWED to open.
Restaurants CANNOT serve dine in customers. 

4. You can still drop by your office, but you are not suppose to work with colleagues as the purpose of this Partial Lockdown is to ensure no spread of Virus.

5. You are NOT ALLOWED to travel outstation or in the highways from 18th March to stop the spread of the Virus.

6. You can still go out jogging, hiking, exercise but AVOID close contact with others.

7. Supermarkets, marts, will be open. Staff in this places are allowed to go to work. And you can go as customers. Again try avoiding crowds and wear a mask.

8. Since this is NOT a full lockdown, you do not need to worry about essential staff travelling to work. They can still travel as long as not outstation.

9. No public weddings, small scale funerals.

NO RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES, including No Friday Prayers. All religious activities are totally banned.

10. Transportation of goods still allowed.

11. If you are part of condo management, you are suppose to close BUT if it effects the water and electricity then you are considered essential staff.

12. All teaching places related to education are to be closed. All exams postponed, students are NOT ALLOWED to go out and all the centres to close till 31st March.

Meskipun sudah dijelaskan ini bukan lock down seperti yang berlaku di Italia, tapi tetap saja masyarakat mulai berbondong-bondong membeli bekalan makanan ke supermarket. Sejak kemarin supermarket sudah dipenuhi pembeli, bahkan hari ini untuk masuk ke area supermarket nya saja harus mengantri. Dan stok mie instan serta pasta dikabarkan habis. Apakah mereka akan makan mie instan setiap hari selama 2 minggu ini? mungkin. Tapi kami bukan salah satu pembeli yang antri hari ini di supermarket.

Alhamdulillah kebutuhan pangan untuk satu minggu ini sudah dibeli sejak hari minggu kemarin, sesuai jadwal belanja mingguan kami seperti biasa. Tidak ada stok berlebih dan sesuai kebutuhan. Bismillah.. semoga cukup dan semua baik-baik saja.

Semoga sehat semuanya, stay at where you are.. 

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